What is Cervical Spondylosis? (Image credits)
Cervical spondylosis is a general term for age-related wear and tear affecting the spinal discs in your neck. As the spinal discs dehydrate and shrink, signs of osteoarthritis develop, including the growth of bone spurs. In simple terms, it is degeneration of the spine.
Cervical spondylosis is very common and worsens with age. More than 65 percent of people older than age 60 are affected by cervical spondylosis. Most people experience no symptoms from these problems. When symptoms do occur, non-surgical treatments often are effective.
Although, some cervical spondylosis can be less serious. You need to seek medical attention IMMEDIATELY if you have the following symptoms:

Drop attacks
Solution and Treatment
Neck manipulation – Providing instant but short-term pain relief through high velocity neck thrust.
Kinesio tape – Used as a form of skin distraction. Your body’s system will focus on the tape and you will be distracted from your pain. Many will claim that the kinesio tape will help with movement and posture but that is not always the case.
Skin traction massage – Gentle skin traction “massage”. It is used to release the tension from your muscles and create room for your nerves to function properly.
Electrotherapy – Small electrical impulses will pass through your skin to stimulate your nerves for pain relief. These electrical impulses are proposed to reach your brain which should lead to the release of your body’s own natural morphine (pain killers).
Deep neck flexors exercise – Specific exercises is taught to target the deepest muscles in your neck to provide stability. These muscles are often weak and are hardly activated.
Upper and middle back exercise - Targeted strengthening exercises for your upper and middle back muscles to help them withstand the stress of being overused (using the PC continuously for 4 hours)
Pain education - Discussing what pain is in your life, reducing your fears and promoting independence
Advice – Take a break every 45-60 minutes
Bottom Line
The above treatment/ “solution” is a general guide. The most important part of treatment is the history taking and assessment. We can only truly determine the issue by assessing your joints and muscles.
Secondly, it is with consistent physiotherapy sessions and home exercise programme that will help you be pain free in the long term. Quick fixes are rarely effective and it will lead you into long term dependence.
Please drop us a message if you’re unsure if physiotherapy will help. We are happy to answer any questions you have.
Thank you.